Abbey Environmental
For All Your Septic Tank Needs
Pumps &
Air Blowers
At Abbey Environmental, we supply and install submersible pumps and air blowers for all kinds of domestic septic tank and waste water systems.
Pumps and blowers are an important element of household septic tanks. Many septic tanks operate on an aerobic system. This means that the tank requires an aerator to help treat the wastewater. This septic aerator transforms the septic system into a personal wastewater treatment plant. The septic aerator, more commonly known as a pump or blower, pumps air into the holding area of the septic tank. This air provides a hospitable environment for natural bacteria which are essential for the breakdown of waste.
Septic aerators are also known as septic pumps or air blowers. They consist of a small electrical water pump that can be submerged in wastewater. A float switch will turn the pump on and off as the chamber fills with water. When on, the pump will force air into the chamber of the septic tank, crating that aerobic environment.
There are many different septic pumps available. Abbey Environmental can recommend the right kind if pump for your septic tank once we have assessed the wastewater treatment system. We have over 35 years if industry experience and our team guarantees high quality service and professional installation every time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my septic tank need a pump?
Many septic systems would need an aerator to help treat the wastewater. Pumps and air blowers act as a septic aerator, pumping air into the holding area of the septic tank, transforms the septic system into a personal wastewater treatment plant.
How much does a new septic tank pump cost?
There are many different septic tank pumps and air blowers on the market, each with different prices. To discuss your requirements and get a free quote contact Abbey Environmental directly or book a free consultation.